Friday, August 12, 2011


I woke up a little later this morning, and I will blame it on being in the Eastern time zone. It was 57 degrees with sunny skies, so it was shaping up to be a beautiful day to hunt for the covered bridges. They are scattered out over the countryside, but all fairly close to Rockville. Some of the roads we rode on were completely shaded by the trees on both sides, and with the morning sun peaking through the leaves, it was a really nice ride. It's really pretty interesting looking at bridges that were built in the late 1800's and early 1900's. Most are in remarkably good shape for as old as they are.

This particular bridge was really neet.

Don't even ask!!!! Jack checking out the nail type holding the bridge together.

The rest of the afternoon was really productive, which accounts for the low mileage total.

All the FSSNOC members that showed up at Rockville tonight ate at a Mexican restaurant down the street from the motel. The motel parking lot was slowly filling up with Thumpers as the night went along.

And of course.....Jack had to have his ice cream.

We all had a great time and are looking forward to the Saturday event.
Motor Mike

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